So – what do you think of our new and improved website?
We have added in a new gallery which randomises the images each time you load it, hopefully making the site always exciting to come back to! We now have a blog, which I am sure you know as you are reading this!
What else I hear you cry… well here is a little list of some of the changes:
Exciting header images picturing what the page is about (these will be updated over the next few weeks)
Interactive buttons allowing you to view more details (for example, you can see this on our ‘About Us’ page – scroll to the bottom and click the ‘Meet Our Photographers’ button!)
An interactive map for you to see who some of our trusted suppliers are – give them a call and let them know we sent you!
Our wedding fairs are also listed on the new site, so pop along and see us if you can.
The client log in area, well this is our newest feature, if you have had an event or photo shoot, we will send you the passcode for you to log in, for those who have booked an event or wedding then you can log in to your personal event planner!!!
If using your mobile device then you can call us directly by clicking the phone icon on the contact us page!
When you send an enquiry through we will automatically acknowledge your message so that you know we have received it!
Live Chat is here… when you see the chat logo at the top right, then feel free to click it and chat to us – this is a great way to get in touch as the messages are sent in real time.
Please have a good snoop around the site, we have tested it as fully as possible but it you find any problems then please let us know so we can improve the site even more!!!
(hey look, here’s some pictures of our old site!!)
Lewis (owner & photographer)